Damien Robitaille

Active since the turn of the millennium, Damien Robitaille is as much a dashing songwriter of his own songs as he is an astute interpreter of others'. Hailing from the small Franco-Ontarian village of Lafontaine and now based in Montreal, he is signed to the Audiogram label and has 5 albums to his credit, all marked by his trademark sensitive sense of humor - which earned him the Prix Félix-Leclerc at the Francofolies. His most recent salvo is perhaps also his greatest coup: since 2020, he has been releasing videos of covers of well-known songs in which he superimposes himself by playing all the instruments, highlighting his talents as a multi-instrumentalist. Like the rest of his work, it's wide-ranging, invigorating - and it's bound to have an impact on his future work as a songwriter, as well as earning him the Félix for the Artist of the Year with the most web exposure at the ADISQ gala in 2021 and 2022.