Who hasn't dreamed - Chloé Sainte-Marie

Poem recited by Chloé Sainte-Marie during the Sunrise at Cap Bon-Ami


Who hasn't dreamed
to meet one day
on his road a Cape-Good-Friend

A Cape Goody-Two-Shoes
with whom to companion
to exchange confidences
to make silence-complice
in front of a compassionate sky

Who hasn't dreamed

beyond all the rocky Pitons
the Capes of Desolation
the Enraged Capes

Who among the millions
repudiated-refugees around the world
fleeing wars and famines
political exile... poetic exile
or nameless catastrophes

Who among the millions of resisters
and wanderers across the seas

has not dreamed one day
to press his bruised cheek against
the polished hem of a Cap-Bon-Ami

Text: Jean M.